Who is Grand Admiral Thrawn?

Ever since first seeing the Star Wars Rebels Season 3 trailer, I’ve been wondering who this mysterious Grand Admiral Thrawn is. Well, he’s mysterious to me. Mysterious and more interesting, perhaps, because the more I look into the matter, the more I find that there are many very knowledgeable Star Wars fans who are very excited to see this character join the story.
What I’ve been unable to find is a simple, concise definition of who this character is and why he’s interesting. There’s plenty of good information published on Thrawn. According to the Wookieepedia, Thrawn is “considered to be one of the best strategists in the galaxy”. IGN’s profile of Thrawn on Youtube calls Thrawn “sort of an evil Sherlock Holmes in space”.
So, yeah, he’s an admiral. A strategist. Now, I have great faith that Dave Filoni and company wouldn’t bring this character in if there’s wasn’t potential for developing a great story. But, I find that I have a hard time getting excited about a military leader. We’ve seen Grand Moff Tarkin and Star Wars Rebels, and he’s as frigid as he was in A New Hope. And I really like Agent Kallus as a traditional military adversary for the Ghost crew. For me, I’ve yet to see what’s so interesting about Thrawn.
Do You Know Thrawn?
What do you think about Thrawn? If you know his story, please leave a comment – educate me on what devious deeds he’s committed or what genius he’s displayed against the rebels or other enemies of the empire.